Monday, November 14, 2011

Gordon in the morning: The dead cannot complain

News of the failed Freddie Mercury & Michael Jackson project being revived this morning:

IT has been a while since Michael Jackson fans had anything to celebrate.
Really? I'm pretty sure I spotted most of the rump turning a manslaughter verdict into a tailgate party just a few days ago. But do carry on:
But his loyal army can now look forward to songs he recorded with Freddie Mercury being released next year.
You say that like it's a good thing.

These recordings were done in 1983, and were so toxic they have been stored ever since in a sealed metal box somewhere under Pencross Fell. So why disinter them now?
Brian [May] has put to rest any money-making conspiracies that always seem to surface.
To be fair to May, I suspect he's being honest - he has a track record of being led by curiosity into doing terrible things - although it's hard to believe that's the motivation for the Jackson family.

Still, something that was so disappointing that the people involved didn't want them released while they were still alive. Why drag it out now?

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