Thursday, June 02, 2011

GaGa says 99cents is about right

Talking to the Wall Street Journal, Lady GaGa has said that when Amazon flogged the new record for less than a dollar, they were probably right:

“No. I absolutely do not, especially for MP3s and digital music. It’s invisible. it’s in space. If anything, I applaud a company like Amazon for equating the value of digital versus the physical copy, and giving the opportunity to everyone to buy music. It also wasn’t really 99 cents, because Amazon paid the difference on all of those purchases as part of their promotional campaign for one of their new services. I think it’s amazing and it was a really nice surprise and I felt honored that they chose my record to be part of it.”
The interesting bit is tucked away in the middle - 'sure, sell them for 99cents. Providing I still get my full pay from somewhere'.

Maybe the next album could be sold exclusively through Family Dollar?

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