Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Glastonbury 2010: Licence approved

One from our 'last with the news' file this, as it dates back over a week, but still interesting: Glastonbury has had its licence approved through to 2016, with plans for 2012 to be a fallow year.

The really interesting part, though, is that for the first time in forty years, there were no local objections to the licence application. On Saturday, the Independent suggested this was a sign that the locals had learned to love the festival; it's more likely an indication that those who objected have passed on or moved on, leaving only those who either didn't mind in the first place, or have moved in some time in the last four decades knowing what was on the doorstep.

I mean, it's possible that old lady who used to have the giant cross in her field next to the site, warding off the evils of Billy Bragg in the folk tent, has changed her mind and now spends the weekend roaming the site selling legal highs. Possible, but unlikely.


Robin Carmody said...

I think it shows the more general point that pop *is* the establishment culture now, and that nobody is really afraid of it anymore. The festival and that which surrounds it have met in the middle, effectively.

Francis said...

Or possibly the locals have stopped complaining because their opionions get ignored every time. I wouldn't like to think that they ALL died.

Robin Carmody said...

But very few people really object to pop anymore, even the people who used to. Also, Glastonbury is much more secure now - it has effectively weeded out the sort of people Shire Tories would consider "socially undesirable" and replaced them with their own children and grandchildren. I simply cannot imagine anyone seriously objecting to Glastonbury in the way they used to.

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