Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Sun apologises, sort of, for Winehouse story

Oddly, despite having admitted its Amy Wnehouse and Alan Sugar hitlist story was a total fabrication as long ago as last Thursday, it's only today that The Sun gets round to apologising to the website who it attacked in the story:

OUR story on January 7 about a 'hit list' of top British Jews on the website was based on claims by Glen Jenvey who last week confessed to duping several newspapers and Tory MP Patrick Mercer by fabricating stories about Islamic fundamentalism.

Following Mr Jenvey's confession, we apologise to for the article which we now accept was inaccurate.

"Inaccurate"? Isn't "inaccurate" a bit better used for, say, a story which suggests a man might be a woman's third husband rather than her fourth? Wasn't this story more completely fabricated rather than inaccurate?

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