Friday, September 28, 2007

Britney Spears: You know you're in trouble now

Things have to be bad when not only does your behaviour manage to penetrate Ozzy Osbourne's consciousness, but he worries for you:

“I think [the media] are very unfair to Britney Spears … give her a break. I don’t know what the inside story is, all I see is this broken thing on TV every night.

“She’ll die! She might kill herself! I hope she doesn’t. She’s got a mother and two kids, give her a break.”

Since the problem with Spears seems to be less the award of "a break", more inability to control her life, we're not sure giving her a break would help. Indeed, since the only way Britney can possibly answer the "what the hell did I do last night" question is by waiting for Page Six to publish and tell her - it must be so handy being able to rely on the gossip columns to tell you where you left your car/knickers/youngest child the night before - withdrawal of media coverage might break the last link Spears has with the world that the rest of us live in.

1 comment:

eyetie said...

"I don’t know what the inside story is, all I see is this broken thing on TV every night."

That'll be Sharon. Time for that flight to Switzerland, Oz.

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